
Comments About Hate Misunderstood

I want to erase any misunderstanding of my testimony at the Irvine City Council on Dec. 11, 1990. I then protested the vicious newspaper delivered on Irvine streets targeting blacks, Jews, Hispanics, and the gay community with violent, Nazi hate.

Something I said made Mayor Sally Anne Sheridan ask if I meant to suggest that member(s) of the City Council condoned that hate. Of course not. I referred to support by some council member(s) of Measure N, which removed the human rights guarantee to the gay community. I meant this was a bad sign .

Extremists must be encouraged by that to believe that Irvine is ripe for their vicious hate campaign, a sign (to them) that Irvine approved oppression of a minority. Support of Measure N was doing the wrong thing.

I offer a suggestion. The Irvine council can restore the Human Rights Ordinance gutted by Measure N. We can show the haters that we are not like them , that our way is not their way. We can make a habit of doing the right thing. And at no risk.

