
A Guide to the Best of Southern California : AT HOME : Gold Digging

THE GOLD RUSH may have slowed to a trickle, but business is booming at Cal-Gold, a prospectors’ supply house located in a historic bank building in Pasadena. But don’t expect to see rough-and-tumble, grizzled fortune hunters; today’s Forty-Niners are likely to have been born in 1949. Modern-day prospectors poke around sluice boxes and the ubiquitous compasses, hammers, picks, water jugs and pans. They stock up on maps, early-California atlases and guides to lost, buried and sunken treasure.

Lost your engagement ring while out gardening? For as little as $15 a day, Cal-Gold rents its dozen or so metal detectors, and today’s beach-bound treasure seeker can lease the ultra-tech models that tell you how deep your bounty is, as well as its composition.

Cal-Gold, 2569 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena; (818) 792-6161.
