
TV & VIDEO - Jan. 7, 1991

Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press

Minister Blasts Auto Maker: The Rev. Donald Wildmon, the ultraconservative, self-appointed TV watchdog, denounced Honda as the biggest sponsor of what he defines as un-Christian sex, violence and profanity on network television during the November sweeps, but did not call for a boycott of the Japanese auto maker. In the past, the Wildmon-headed American Family Assn. and Christian Leaders for Responsible Television have called for boycotts of Burger King, Mennen and Clorox for sponsoring such programming. Wildmon also listed such corporate giants as Duracell, US Sprint, Sony, Anheuser-Busch, Nissan, Heinz, Chrysler and Ralston-Purina as supporters of programs he finds objectionable. To combat Wildmon, several organized groups and many private citizens have vowed to support the products sold by the companies denounced by Wildmon and boycott those that buckle to his pressure.
