
Some SWMs Want No Help From Clay

Regarding Mark Epstein’s defense of comedian Andrew Dice Clay (Letters, Jan. 6):

Epstein implies that the “Diceman” speaks for all “straight white males . . . in the world today,” and he complains, “If we’re not being bashed by minorities and homosexual groups, we’ve got the feminists trying to emasculate us.” He then adds that the Founding Fathers of our country were all SWMs, “despite their fondness for wigs.”

As a SWM who also believes in the rights of all minorities, I ask how can he be sure that every one of the Founding Fathers was a bona fide SWM? Is he absolutely certain there weren’t maybe one or two “closet gays” included among the great big assemblage in Philadelphia? Messrs. Clay and Epstein speak only for an off-shoot/subculture called ISMs . . . Insecure Super-Machos.


Los Angeles

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