
King Tribute

I am dismayed by your recent slight of an issue critical to many of us in San Diego.

My first concern is the coverage of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade. In a city divided over naming a memorial for the man, the parade in his honor takes on a special significance. However, you failed to give it front-page attention. Nor did you think it warranted a news story, despite the wide variety of groups that participated and the thousands of enthusiastic onlookers who lined the streets. Instead, it rated a single photograph on Page 4 (Jan. 13) of the local news section.

The conclusion seems to be that your front-page story, “Trading Places,” clearly a feature story, was considered more newsworthy.

Secondly, on his birthday, Jan. 15, there was no story about King nor his advocacy of nonviolent tactics to resolve serious conflicts. There was no story on the irony of President Bush choosing this date as the deadline for war.


PAM CLARK, San Diego
