
Paying for War and Peace in Persian Gulf

Thank you, Anne Roosevelt, granddaughter of F.D.R., for expressing a sane voice in this ill-conceived war in which George Bush has involved us. It took a great deal of courage to stand before President Bush, his top aides and assorted congressman and say, “These are difficult days for persons of conscience. . . . Those wonderful, hopeful headlines--’The Cold War Is Over’--have been replaced by ‘America at War’ ” (Part A, Jan. 31).

Anne Roosevelt further declared “. . . it is concern which supports the protest and honest objection to this war, not anti-patriotism or lack of respect for the bravery of our troops.”

Remember, the U.S. ambassador to Kuwait, April Glaspie, gave Saddam Hussein the go-ahead when she said to the dictator, “We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.” The next week Iraq invaded Kuwait.



Dana Point
