
15% Hike Sought for Bus, Trolley Fares

The Metropolitan Transit Developm e nt Board will recommend a 15% increase in bus and trolley fares to counter an expected $5.7-million shortfall, officials said Thursday.

The MTDB board of directors is scheduled to decide whether to approve the increases, which would go into effect July 1, at its Feb. 28 meeting, Thomas Larwin, MTDB general manager, said after a public hearing on the proposed increases.

Included in the recommendation is a 25-cent increase for all local, urban and most express bus services, as well as for trolley trips covering four or more stations. Local and urban adult monthly bus passes would increase $5, and adult monthly passes for most express bus routes, and the trolley route would increase $2.


At the same time, Larwin said, the MTDB will study a proposal unveiled by the Bush Administration this week to cut all federal operating subsidies to mass transit systems in cities with populations of more than a million. The Administration has also proposed a 25% increase in federal subsidies for mass transit capital programs.

If the proposal is passed by Congress, San Diego stands to lose $5 million in federal operating subsidies, which could force an additional fare increase, said Roger Snoble, general manager of the San Diego Transit Corp.

Snoble said he is unhappy with the Administration’s proposal and doubts Congress will pass it.


“We can buy all the buses we want to, but if we don’t have the money to operate them, they’ll be useless,” he said.
