
Creation of 4-Year Mayor Post Decried

On March 5, Anaheim is having a special election with four measures on the ballot. Measure B proposes a four-year mayor, separate from the council, with anyone eligible to run. A similar measure was defeated by the voters in 1980.

Who would gain by a four-year mayor? Only one person. Who would lose by a four-year mayor? 266,000 residents!

This amendment would allow special interests to “buy” a mayor from outside Anaheim and set him up in an apartment one month before election day! Yes, the only requirement is a 30-day residency! Once elected, citizens must put up with that official for four long years, or risk the cost and disruption of a recall election.


An incumbent mayor has power to do favors for “friends” or punish “enemies,” dominate the news with misinformation and use the position as a springboard for higher office. He can embarrass the city, hold secret meetings and make decisions for which the city is responsible.

The four-year term allows him a free run for higher office without risk of losing his seat, thus “using,” instead of serving, Anaheim. He can be totally out of control, with no incentive to work with the City Council. A vacancy would be filled by council appointment--bypassing the voters entirely.

Anaheim’s mayor is not just a ceremonial head. Why have candidates for the two-year mayor spent over $200,000 to be elected to an $800-a-month job? How much more will the power of a four-year mayor be worth?


