
One Step at a Time

A history lesson in dance presented by “Dance Through Time” will be offered May 9 at the Dorill B. Wright Cultural Center. The San Francisco-based dance company will glide through five centuries of social dance, presenting each era’s unique steps, fashion and music.

Headed by dance historian and choreographer Carol Teten, the performance opens with the 15th-Century European court dance, the “Pavanne.”

The 16th-Century “Volta,” the favored dance of Queen Elizabeth, features the male lifting his partner overhead by her corset.


The “Minuet” and “Allemande” of the 18th Century ushered in the intimacy of holding hands.

The 19th Century introduced a provocative new dance--the waltz. Soon it evolved into the fast-stepping “Polka,” “Mazurka” and “Cotillion.”

A look at 20th-Century dance offers the syncopated rhythms of ragtime and jazz, introducing the “Charleston” and “Jitterbug.” The dance troupe also offers the Latin-influenced “Tango,” on to the rock ‘n’ roll twisting of the ‘60s and disco wave of the ‘70s.

The performance begins at 8 p.m. Accompanying music is recorded.

Tickets are $15. The cultural center is at 575 Surfside Drive, Port Hueneme. Call 986-6589.
