
The Mission of Junior Colleges

Nicolaides’ defense of the proposed community college entrance exam was ludicrous. “If they do not pass,” she wrote, “students should seek remedial help, ideally made available through community colleges. . . .”

How can students seek remedial help at community colleges if they can’t get in the colleges? Evidently that simple logic escaped Nicolaides.

She complained there were those with third-grade abilities enrolled in the history class she taught. How could that happen? At Glendale Community College, and at most others, students take assessment exams to determine skill levels and academic placement. Prerequisite classes are required before students can enroll in college-level courses.


Assessment is the proper solution, not an entrance exam that would eliminate the many potential students who need help to become productive citizens.

California’s future could depend on it.


Public Information Officer,

Glendale Community College
