
Capistrano Valley Students Offer Theories on Evolution-Creation Flap

<i> The following letters were written by Capistrano Valley High School students</i>

As a former student of both Peloza’s and Corbett’s, I am familiar with both men’s beliefs on the origin of our universe. It angers me to see this issue emerge as a fight between Corbett and Peloza. It appears to me that all of the hoopla arising is simply about who is right--Peloza or Corbett.

This is not the issue at hand. The issue began with the question of whether Peloza could teach creation in his science classes. As Corbett stated, this issue has “muddied academic waters, confused students, divided faculty.”

I believe that all the problems are because uninformed people are jumping to conclusions and hastily joining either Peloza’s or Corbett’s side. This is an issue that is not easily resolved, but if we understand the rights guaranteed to us in the Constitution, understand the separation of church and state, and understand our guarantee of freedom of religion, then, and only then, can we rationally choose sides.


BETH JANKO, Capo Valley High senior
