
Judge and Gays

Having a judge like Larry Stirling on the Municipal Court makes me embarrassed to be a San Diegan (“Judge’s Action on Defendant With HIV Draws Fire,” June 14). We can now boast of having our own home-grown version of the Helms/Dannemeyer/Dornan politician.

I believe Judge Stirling is telling the truth when he denies mopping up after the person with HIV out of ignorance--we have been reading about the virus for years now, and we know AIDS is not an airborne disease. And we know the virus is not present in sufficient quantities in saliva to transmit it to others, even by way of kissing, toothbrush-sharing, or reusing dishes and glasses. The virus has never been transmitted by way of saliva, and Judge Stirling can read as well as any man/woman on the street.

No, he is not ignorant. It seems obvious what motivates him is homophobia, a condition he is probably unable to control.


The words and actions of this judge will undo many years of attempts at public education undertaken by intelligent, caring scientific experts.

