
Thoughts on Spas

The spas covered in “The Spa Solution” are financially out of reach to people who have stress-filled jobs and could use some spa work.

I can understand the expenses associated with the Gurney’s Inn in New York and the Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa in Northern California because these two are areas of high real estate values and high costs of living. However, the Vista Clara Spa in Galisteo, N.M., is located in a state with very cheap land, especially in the depressed area of north-central New Mexico.

Considering what they claim to have spent on setting up this spa, probably using local labor and suppliers, the Partridges may have been taken. Considering the pay scale in New Mexico, these people are taking their clients for a ride. If the Partridges wanted so much to share their “naturally peaceful and healing” spot, they defeated the purpose by financially excluding the very people who would be helped.



Las Vegas
