
Residents at Odds Over the Future of Dana Point

The comments made by Bonnie Streeter and the group who are attempting to qualify a referendum on Dana Point’s General Plan (“Residents Seek to Nullify General Plan,” July 17) not only defy logic, but they testify to the group’s true motivations: to promote their own self-interest.

To actually claim they “didn’t move here to live in a tourist-oriented community” is not only ludicrous but frightening.

The group’s opposition to the option of redevelopment further demonstrates its ignorance, since this financing method is critical to achieving many of our infrastructure and community improvement goals. To eliminate it from the General Plan would be criminal and irresponsible.


Dana Point, Capistrano Beach and Monarch Beach residents who helped unify and incorporate our city have always had a goal to preserve the character of our area, while balancing the needs of our local residents with the prime source of our livelihood: our visitors. These desires were incorporated into our new General Plan.

Dana Point cannot afford to let this small minority of misguided, self-interested individuals exploit the system for their own agenda--at the expense of the majority of residents. We need our General Plan--we don’t need the destructive actions of this irresponsible group!

ANN ROMANO, Dana Point
