
Vets’ Pride Isn’t Same as Japan-Bashing

I read the article about the “Condor Squadron” Sunday. Why would an American newspaper write such an insulting and degrading article about a bunch of proud old World War II vets who organized a squadron of planes to help keep their memories alive? How could any intelligent editor allow the article to accuse the Condors of Japan-bashing because they choose to commemorate the Pearl Harbor attack by dropping a few sacks of flour from their planes on pieces of plywood with their old enemy’s flag painted on them?

I don’t know the men of the Condor Squadron, nor do I fly a plane, but I understand the pride of the men who fought in World War II, and why some feel it’s important to keep the memories alive.

Recently, several American and Japanese involved in the Pearl Harbor attack were interviewed on television. The Japanese expressed great pride in their performance. I wonder if the Tokyo Times accused them of America-bashing?



Van Nuys
