
David Copperfield (Cinemax Monday at 11:30 a.m.)...

David Copperfield (Cinemax Monday at 11:30 a.m.) The 1935 George Cukor-directed production is a Hollywood classic, with little Freddie Bartholomew in the title role and W.C. Fields an unforgettable Mr. Micawber.

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? (AMC Thursday at 7 a.m.). Philippe Mora’s ingenious 1975 documentary intercuts newsreel footage with clips from Hollywood films to evoke the era of the Great Depression.

Brimstone and Treacle (TBS Friday at 11:20 p.m.) A sparkling, outrageous 1982 entertainment that recalls the golden age of English comedy in the ‘50s. Sting stars as a devilish young man who ingratiates himself with a middle-aged couple (Joan Plowright, Denholm Elliott) who have a daughter left brain-damaged after being struck by a car.
