
Why <i> PC</i> Spells Political Controversy : IT’S CENSORSHIP

I applaud and give my dollar to the artist, writer, producer or publisher who doesn’t bow to the narrow viewpoints demanded by special interests.

As to the politically correct, if we choose to ignore problems by finding more palatable verbal descriptions we will not eliminate the problems. It is currently being proven that this approach leads to disaster. If George Bush had recognized the word recession several months earlier instead of trying to con the American people into an economic adjustment , perhaps we wouldn’t be bordering on a depression .

On this issue I’ll skip the politically correct and give my vote to the first compassionate, straight-talking politician who isn’t afraid to look America’s problems square in the face and then show the courage to lead by making decisions and taking action. This would be a lot better than wasting time looking up sensitive words in the dictionary.



Times staff writer Terry Pristin’s article on political correctness in Hollywood, “The Filmmakers vs. the Crusaders” (Dec. 29), has struck a nerve with readers. A sampling of their views.
