
Unfair to Revive Old Nordeck Flap

Recently you ran an article about Steve Nordeck losing his county Planning Commission seat due to redrawing of district lines (“Remap to Cost Planner Nordeck His Post,” Dec. 10). In the article, you gave deserved mention of his accomplishments while holding that position, most notably the Foothill/Trabuco Specific Plan, which was going nowhere until he was given the job of wrapping it up.

But then you had to drag out that tired, embarrassing and groundless old story about the political dinner held in his restaurant, which created a hollow flap at the time. It was good that attention was called to it back then, I suppose. Orange County government has for far too long been, if not actually in the pockets of developers, then certainly lined up like first-class toadies to jump to the moneyed tunes. So it is fine to keep a sharp eye out for transgressions and publicize them when they do occur.

It is not fine to impugn the reputation of a person who is doing an excellent job of public service. The “room” referred to in the original stories about the dinner is just a side room for parties of eight to 10 people or more. The restaurant has an odd floor layout, partly because there are living trees growing throughout the dining area. I have eaten in that room with friends on two occasions when we had too many for the regular table section. A reporter’s imagination got carried away, which is common, but why should anyone have to live with the proven-to-be-erroneous perceptions it generated?


I have been in a position for two years that has allowed me to closely monitor the actions of the Planning Commission. If our organization had spotted the slightest hint of impropriety from Nordeck or anyone else on that body, we would have taken it to the rooftops. I feel you owe Nordeck an apology for re-airing the needless innuendo.

BOB HUNT, Secretary, Modjeska Residents Assn.
