
Controversial Green Line

In his Jan. 14 Commentary piece on the Green Line, Mayor Tom Bradley refers to those of us who oppose the cost overruns associated with the project as “fools and villains.”

In attempting to explain his vote on the Green Line, the mayor is treating the taxpayers as though they were fools. They’re not--and that’s why this debate will not just disappear.

The Green Line contract with the Sumitomo Corp. that was approved by the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission last month was a bad deal for Los Angeles taxpayers and workers.


These driverless trains won’t be faster and they won’t carry more passengers. The only thing they will do is cost taxpayers nearly $100 million more than the budget allows. The LACTC has refused to tell the public which promises will be broken for other transit systems in the San Fernando Valley, East Los Angeles and the Westside.

Nearly all the jobs that $200 million in contracts could create in Los Angeles will be filled by workers and technicians in New York and Japan.

Why is this happening? Because back-room lobbyists whispered in the ears of the tired politicians searching for anything that can pass for a vision for Los Angeles.


The Green Line contract is a disaster for Los Angeles and should be dumped by the commission. The California Assembly agreed with me (Jan. 13) by passing House Resolution 29 calling on the LACTC to reverse its decision, to rebid the contract for non-automated vehicles and let the public compare the costs and to give Los Angeles workers a fair shake.

A fool is an official who has not yet realized the taxpayers are fed up with pouring tax dollars down a green hole. And a villain takes advantage of the politician’s ignorance. We’ve got plenty of those.

RICHARD KATZ, Chairman, Assembly Transportation Committee
