
‘Green Airwaves’ Take Root at Local Stations

<i> Richard Kahlenberg is a writer who has been involved with environmental issues for 20 years. </i>

In what is an evolving industry-wide “greening of the airwaves,” at least three radio stations are broadcasting environmentally oriented programs in North County. Two stations air locally-produced programs and the third carries a nationally syndicated show.

North County broadcaster Jeff Gelder created “Earthbeat . . . Music for Mother Nature” on KKOS-FM in September, 1990, and was joined as co-host by Oceanside native and environmental activist Marlese Tremblay a month later.

Both volunteer their time to produce the unsponsored weekly show, and the Carlsbad-based station provides the air time without charge. Tremblay, a mother of three, said she is motivated by concern about the “future world that all children will inherit.” Gelder, a marketing executive with KKOS, sees the show as “educational . . . a forum for groups and activities to get their message to the people and tell the people how to get involved.”


Representatives have appeared from such groups as San Diego Animal Advocate, the Environmental Health Coalition, Sea World, the National Park Service and Earth First!

“We ask the listener to open his or her mind and do what they can . . . such as simply reduce, reuse and recycle in their daily lives,” Tremblay said.

Initially, Gelder wondered if there was enough environmentally oriented music to include in an hourlong show. But the more he looks these days, the more he realizes how much there is.


There’s certainly enough such music to supply more than one show. At KCEO-AM, sister-station to KKOS, a second example of “green airwaves” was launched early this month. You can check out the KCEO program this Sunday at 7 p.m., when “Green Arts--Creative Arts and the Environment” will be the topic.

For this, the second show in the series, host P. J. Grimes of Encinitas will have as her guests heavy-metal musician Marc Neal and graphic artist Tori Neil. The two own Envirogentle, an environmentally oriented store in Encinitas.

Grimes characterizes her show, titled “Take Note,” as info-music. “I plan to feature socially conscious contributions by the local creative community,” she said, adding that she plans to cover the environment as well as education and health.


KIFM in La Jolla, meanwhile, airs an “Environmental Minute” feature that is repeated at various times throughout the week. Ken Levy, a New York radio producer, supplies the show to 30 stations nationwide.

“I’m definitely the John Q. Public kind of person, not an environmentalist,” Levy said by telephone from New York. “It’s just that I’m concerned with what’s happening to the environment.”

Locally, San Diego Gas & Electric Co. is a regular sponsor of the feature, and ECOVER, an environmentally conscious laundry and cleansing products company, also supports the show.

“The show invites response, and people call the station to register their complaints about things like junk mail and the long boxes for CDs which just go into the landfill,” said Tammy Jester of KIFM.

North County reaction to “The Environmental Minute” is forwarded to Levy for possible inclusion in future editions.


KKOS FM (95.9) broadcasts “Earthbeat Music for Mother Nature” Sundays from 7 to 8 a.m. Jeff Gelder, 729-5945, ext. 22.


KCEO AM (1000) broadcasts “Take Note” Saturday from 7 to 8 p.m. P. J. Grimes, 632-0770.

KIFM (98.1) broadcasts “Environmental Minute” Monday through Friday at 11:20 a.m., 3:20 p.m. and 8:50 p.m.; Saturday at 11:20 a.m. and 4:20 p.m., and Sundays at 11:20 a.m. Tammy Jester, 587-9800.
