
VENTURA : Woman Sought in Check Forging Case

Wells Fargo Bank and police are searching for a woman who has taken at least $6,000 belonging to bank customers in Ventura by impersonating them and forging their signatures on their checks, bank officials said Tuesday.

The woman is described as black, in her mid-40s to early 50s, 5 feet, 4 inches tall, weighing between 165 and 175 pounds, with moles on her right cheek.

Wells Fargo, which is working with Ventura and Los Angeles police on the case, is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the woman’s arrest.


The woman cashed checks at two Wells Fargo offices in Ventura on Oct. 7 and 8, taking $6,000 in four transactions, police said.

Police obtained her description after she tried to cash a check at a Wells Fargo in Lancaster by showing a phony California driver’s license, said bank spokeswoman Kathleen Shilkret.

When the teller thought the license was a fake, he confiscated it, and the woman fled the bank, Shilkret said.


The teller described the woman to police, and the bank put the photo on the license on a reward poster.

“So far we have no idea who she really is,” Shilkret said.
