
South El Monte : Beer, Wine Sales OKd

The City Council voted 4 to 0 last week to approve the sale of beer and wine at a fast-food restaurant.

A 90-day conditional-use permit granted Thursday to Gus Angelopoulos will allow him to serve beer and wine at his Jim’s Burgers No. 27, 10904 Rush St., but prohibits customers from taking alcoholic beverages away from the restaurant.

Several residents of the neighborhood near Jim’s Burgers said they feared an increase in alcohol-related problems. Councilman David Sanchez, who abstained, questioned whether this precedent “will mean every fast-food establishment in town can apply” to serve alcohol.


Planning Director Tom Lamb said that other requests are possible but that Jim’s Burgers features full meals and table service, much like a full service restaurant.

Angelopoulos said that he would not serve alcohol to customers who did not order food.

Angelopoulos is required also to obtain a permit from the California Alcoholic Beverage Commission and must obtain a new city permit after 90 days.
