
San Clemente Gets Application From Ex-La Quinta Coach

Roger Takahashi, former La Quinta High football coach, said he has applied for the San Clemente football position vacated when Dave Elecciri resigned under pressure two weeks ago.

“They had some problems this year, but I think there’s a lot of potential at San Clemente,” Takahashi said. “Anytime you hear about 65 kids going out for freshman football, you’ve got to be excited.”

Takahashi resigned at La Quinta in November with a 40-27 record. He led La Quinta to the championship game of the Southern Section Division VI playoffs in 1989 and won the Garden Grove League title in 1990.


Former Capistrano Valley offensive coordinator Ray Panici, considered another strong candidate for the San Clemente job, said last week he was uncertain whether he would apply for the position.
