
Article Played the Wrong Tune

It’s appropriate that Mr. Emmons’ article (“That’s All Folks,” View, Dec. 31) was titled with the famous Looney Tunes signature. Falling under the tired “let’s look back over the year and let writers opine on past stories” was a tiny, flip reference to the Walls in Huntington Beach, an outdoor gallery for muralists and aerosol artists. Comparing it to something canine, he attempted humor in reference to aerosol art, a subject he is not even close to understanding. Yes, Mr. Emmons, there are such things as aerosol artists, as well as a movement called hip-hop. Where do you think rap comes from? Hip-hop has given us new avenues of expression, i.e., clothes, dance and yes, it is even responsible for decorating a wall or two. Not all aerosol artists are vandals.

The Huntington Beach City Council never considered the Seawall a blight; its move to adopt a mural program utilizing both aerosol and traditional methods has been praised by your own newspaper.

I guess the truth isn’t funny enough to make it into the Looney Tune look at the year, even though it could have been written by Porky Pig.


