
Sell Cars and Forget Hussein, Iraq Tells Bush

From Reuters

Baghdad on Monday called President Bush one of history’s most notorious butchers and said he should stick to selling cars to Japan instead of plotting to overthrow Saddam Hussein.

In remarks carried on the front pages of Iraqi newspapers, a government spokesman said Bush’s declared desire to see Hussein overthrown is an attempt to divert U.S. public opinion away from the “ailing American economy.”

Bush’s trade visit to Japan in January was ridiculed at the time by the Iraqi media, which described him as a beggar seeking alms from Tokyo’s economic giants.


The spokesman was echoing a widespread feeling in official Iraqi circles that Bush might try a strike against Hussein to boost his low standing in U.S. public opinion polls in this election year.

In Kuwait, meanwhile, a head nurse has stepped forward to give new evidence that Iraqi troops ripped babies from incubators during the occupation of Kuwait.

Salwa Ali, head nurse at Kuwait’s Al Adan hospital, told Reuters news agency Sunday that she saw at least eight babies removed from life-support machines by Iraqis who wanted to send vital medical equipment to Iraq.


Previous reports of such atrocities have been disputed.
