
LA HABRA : Applicants Sought for Commission Jobs

Applications are now being accepted for four positions on city commissions that will become vacant at the end of March.

Two openings will become available on the Planning Commission. Residents serving on this commission are involved in the planning of the city, reviewing applications for General Plan amendments and zone variances, and making recommendations to the City Council.

Other seats will be open on the Traffic Commission and Community Services Commission. Traffic commissioners receive requests and complaints from residents involving traffic matters and research ways to improve traffic conditions in the city. The Community Services Commission deals with coordinating citywide recreational, cultural, child development and social services.


Terms on the three commissions last four years. Commissioners are eligible to serve two consecutive terms.

Applications are available at the city clerk’s office and must be returned by 5 p.m. March 13. The council will hold interviews before its regularly scheduled meeting on March 17.
