
U.S. Targets Saddam Hussein

In response to “2,000 Teddy Bears Held Hostage in Embargo Flap,” Feb. 12:

U.S. Customs officials should never allow those teddy bears to leave the shores of the United States. We spent billions of dollars to kill Iraqi children and now it’s only fitting that Americans do everything in their power to see to it that the dying children of Iraq are kept as miserable as possible.

Who cares that more than 150,000 Iraqi children have died since the “Butcher of Baghdad” (George Bush) sent our troops in to desecrate and destroy every living thing in that region?

Dianne Judice must have a lot of nerve to think that the Bush Administration will allow the U.S. Customs Service to approve a humane act such as sending teddy bears to sick and dying Iraqi children.



North Hollywood
