
Bush Should Forget New World Order

A point that never seems to get addressed with all of President Bush’s travel and various arguments about whether an “America First” policy is correct or not, is that I don’t recall voting for Bush to become Emperor of the World!

I am a bit ashamed to say that I did vote for Bush, but considering the options, I’m not willing to take all the blame for that. However, his only responsibility is to the people of the United Sates. It has nothing to do with America first, second or third. The President is supposed to be working for and leading America, not the rest of the world.

Foreign relations is another story. If Bush can explain to Americans exactly why it benefits us to send a few billion in foreign aid to the former U.S.S.R. republics while we can’t afford to feed our own citizens, or allow Japan to ship us several billion dollars a year worth of car parts while we ship them a few hundred thousand jobs that we need, well, then maybe it’s all OK.


But if he can’t do that, then he should stay home and take care of the business we elected him for instead of talking about some “New World Order” that I haven’t heard a single ordinary U.S. citizen express any interest in pursuing.


