
Police Encircle House in Standoff


Ventura police Saturday evening surrounded the home of a Ventura man who refused to surrender to officers investigating a report that he had assaulted his wife, police said.

Police cars were used to barricade the 1600 block of Nevin Street about 9 p.m., while officers talked to the man by telephone, trying to persuade him to surrender.

The standoff began about 7:30 p.m. when police responded to a call from the man’s wife that she had been assaulted by her husband, said Ventura Police Cpl. John Leach.


When officers arrived at the Nevin Street house, the wife emerged with her three young children. The woman suffered minor injuries but was not hospitalized, Leach said.

Leach said officers were taking precautions that the man, a Ventura mechanic, might be armed, even though the wife told police her husband does not have a gun. A SWAT team was called to the scene to storm the house in case officers were unsuccessful in persuading the man to surrender.

Police had surrounded the man’s house under similar circumstances in January, Leach said.
