
Drunk Driving Penalties Stiff

This letter concerns legislation regarding DUI laws being enforced in Ventura County. While it is understandable something must be done to stem the rising tide of alcohol-related accidents and deaths, ruining the lives of those who wish to drink moderately is not the answer. The target should be drunk driving, not drinking itself.

The most unfair part of the DUI process is the DMV’s contention that driving a motor vehicle is a privilege and not a right, which is pure bunk and merely a way for bureaucracy and government to gain more control over our lives.

Currently, the DMV pulls a person’s driver’s license for four months under a first DUI conviction and grants no exceptions--even for driving to and from work--which forces a working person who must transport equipment for a living to either drive illegally or quit working for four months. This is not a realistic way to deal with the problem and does more harm than good.


I propose that first-time DUI offenders pay lesser fines and get a restricted license for work. The state should also eliminate the costly and senseless 36-month probation period and eradicate jail time.


Simi Valley
