
BEVERLY HILLS : Decision on Annexing Cul-de-Sac Postponed

The Beverly Hills City Council has postponed a decision on whether to annex a group of homes on a Los Angeles cul-de-sac. The five council members, three of whom are up for reelection April 14, said they needed more information.

Supporters of the Hillgreen Drive annexation, who filled the council chambers Tuesday night, accused the council of trying to duck the controversial issue because of the election.

Hillgreen Drive, at the southwest corner of Beverly Hills next to Century City, at one time intersected with Pico Boulevard. It was turned into a cul-de-sac to cut down on traffic when Century City was built in the 1960s.


Ten homes at the end of the street are in Los Angeles, and two properties straddle the Beverly Hills-Los Angeles boundary. The Los Angeles homes are accessible to fire and police vehicles only via Beverly Hills streets, an arrangement that residents contend is unsafe.
