
CLIPBOARD : Abuse of Elderly and Dependent Adults

Reported abuse of the county’s elderly and dependent adult population leveled off in 1991 after a three-year increasing trend. Among dependent adults, there was a 20% dip from 1990 to 1991. But abuse of the elderly remains high, having moved steadily upward from 1986 to 1991. The five-year increase was 127%. Here’s a look at the particulars:

Victim Demographics 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 Elderly, ages 65+ 631 635 958 1,172 1,353 1,435 Dependent adult, 18-64 326 188 310 383 430 345 Male 252 216 406 436 507 513 Female 705 607 862 1,119 1,276 1,267


Physical 264 246 378 428 441 410 Fiduciary 133 108 270 323 375 448 Mental 181 181 289 332 373 413 Sexual 33 23 43 39 72 44 Neglect 209 253 350 506 568 572 Self-Neglect 159 194 400 612 691 757 Abandonment 27 16 15 23 32 29 Death caused by abuse 13 3 4 6 8 6 TOTAL REPORTS FILED* 957 823 1,268 1,555 1,783 1,780


* Adds to less than column numbers because victims may have been subjected to more than one type of abuse.

Source: County of Orange, Social Services Agency, Adult Services Division Researched by: APRIL D. JACKSON / Los Angeles Times
