
Who’s in charge in L.A., anyway?First, author...

Who’s in charge in L.A., anyway?First, author James Stewart refers to Tom Bradley as “ex-mayor” in his bestseller, “Den of Thieves.” Now, the latest edition of the book “Top 10 Almanac,” says of the Rodney King beating: “In the ensuing uproar, LAPD Chief Daryl Gates . . . finally resigned under pressure.”

Freeway etiquette: As a local driver, Rick Brown of L.A. was amused by one section of the state Department of Motor Vehicles handbook that begins: “Make room for other drivers who wish to pull into heavy traffic or change lanes. Often they will reward you with a smile or nod of ‘thanks.’ ”

Clearly, the last sentence should be deleted from the L.A. edition of the handbook.

Looking for customers: We might add, however, that we would smile and give a friendly nod even if we were cut off by the car in today’s photo. It was sighted on a street in North Hollywood, next to another hearse whose license plate warned: SCARYGY.


Already in Fantasyland: “We’re Going to Disneyland,” a passenger scrawled on the dirty side of a bus parked on Spring Street--a county sheriff’s prisoner bus.

Tour detour: Roland Nadon and Marissa Massegnan, visitors from British Columbia, were touring Universal Studios when a director approached and said he needed two people to tape a wedding commercial for the amusement park. They were chosen. Near the end of the taping, Nadon, 31, offered Massegnan, 24, an engagement ring and asked her to marry him.

“She was confused,” said spokesman Jim Yeager, “because it looked like the ring she had picked out a year ago.”


In fact, it was the ring. The “commercial” was a hoax arranged by Nadon as an offbeat way to propose for real on April Fool’s Day. Massegnan accepted--to his relief. After all, Universal billed Nadon $5,000 for the ruse in all seriousness.

Stupid criminal tricks: The South Pasadena Review reports that a thief took a small case containing a flute from a parked car, apparently thinking it was a purse. The disappointed burglar threw the case away intact “when he found it contained a musical instrument.” The owner later recovered the flute, worth $6,000.

But did they have insurance?No sooner did the new birth center at St. Luke Medical Center open than triplets were born--on a ledge outside the fourth floor. “The baby owls are resting comfortably,” said Peter Milio, a spokesman for the Pasadena hospital, “although the mother owl looks worn out.”


No wonder mom’s tired. It was a day birth.


Redlands, whose founders included former residents of Illinois, is the only town west of the Mississippi to have a shrine to Abraham Lincoln.
