
Airports Don’t Need Expansion

I am against the proposal to budget $1.5 million to build 50 hangars (accommodating 75 more planes) next year at the Camarillo Airport. In fact, I am against any kind of expansion at either Camarillo or Oxnard airports.

We already have too many airplanes buzzing overhead in the Camarillo/Oxnard skies now. These planes have become a public nuisance and are a safety hazard to the residents of both cities. Many of these planes continually violate the minimum altitude regulations (900 feet), and it is difficult to report violators because the planes do not display I.D. numbers on their wings.

The Camarillo/Oxnard residential areas have grown too much and there is no longer room for either airport to expand in any way. In fact, we should be concentrating on how to reduce future airport traffic and not on how to increase it.



