
WESTMINSTER : Legislature Recognizes Firehouse

Firefighters at Station No. 2 in Westminster were recognized by Assemblyman Tom Umberg on Friday for their work in fighting fires and responding to other emergencies as well as the charity service they perform in the community.

“I am here to recognize the good work you do for the community,” the Garden Grove Democrat told the firefighters gathered in front of the station for the brief, informal presentation.

“Despite the tough economic times, the folks still appreciate the kinds of jobs you do.”

Umberg gave the firefighters a framed copy of a resolution passed by the state Legislature in recognition of Station No. 2, also known as the Elden Gillespie station, named after the city’s mayor, who died in 1988.


As Umberg spoke, three paramedics raced out of the station on an emergency call, their siren blaring. Personnel at the station said it is one of the busiest in the Westminster districts.

The 24 firefighters headquartered at the station were praised by Umberg for doing much more than extinguishing fires. They are active in the refurbishing and fund raising for the Boys and Girls Club on Maple and Chestnut streets in Westminster.

“We are very close to the kids in the city,” said firefighter Paul Gilbrook. “We send firefighters into the classrooms and have tours come through the station here.”
