
Sketches on an Artist

We were delighted to read about Luree Miller’s trip to the Plateau d’Assy, with its breathtaking view of Mt. Blanc, and her visit to Notre Dame de Grace, with its art contributed by some of the major artists of our time (“Sketches From the French Alps,” March 8).

The Virgin of Lipchitz will remind visitors from the Los Angeles area of Lipchitz’s “Peace on Earth” in the Music Center Plaza. The artist’s special dedication, carved right into the piece now standing in Notre Dame de Grace, is particularly noteworthy. As an observant Jew, Lipchitz was very much concerned that it might be inappropriate for him to donate such a piece to a Catholic church. He therefore insisted that he be allowed to add the following inscription, translated as follows: “Jacob Lipchitz, a Jew, true to the faith of his ancestors, has dedicated this Virgin to understanding among mankind on earth, so that the spirit of peace may reign forever.”



Los Angeles
