
HUNTINGTON BEACH : City Pledges $4,000 for Grad Nite Parties

The city on Monday night expressed its support of drug- and alcohol-free Grad Niteparties by pledging $1,000 to each high school in the city for the annual events.

The money will be used by parent groups to help pay for food, entertainment and other expenses for the graduation-night celebrations at the four schools.

Mayor Jim Silva told representatives of Edison High, Marina High, Huntington Beach High and Ocean View High that each would receive a check for $1,000.


Grad Nite parties are held on the high school campuses on the night of commencement.

The graduating seniors are treated to games, dance music, prizes and food into the early morning hours.

Parent groups supervise the evening’s activities, and strict security is used to keep out drugs and alcoholic beverages.

The Grad Nite concept, which was pioneered in Orange County, is designed to prevent deaths or accidents among celebrating high school seniors.


Law enforcement officials have said that high school graduation nights previously were dangerous because many students driving from one party to another were often under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

To make Grad Nite the culminating event of graduation, parents of high school students work throughout the school year, building elaborate sets for “theme” parties.

Parents also raise the money for most of the cost of the parties and staff the booths during the all-night celebrations.


City government uses some of the money confiscated by police from drug dealers to fund its annual donation to the high school Grad Nite parties.
