
The 22 Worst Offenders

Here is a list of the 22 worst offenders in the House bank case as identified by the committee April 1. It includes present and former members. Those who made this list had negative balances that exceeded their next paychecks for at least eight of the 39 months reviewed. This, according to the ethics panel, made them worse offenders even though other members wrote more bad checks. * Bill Alexander (D-Ark.): 487 * Tommy Robinson (D-Ark.**): 996 * Jim Bates (D-San Diego): 89 * Doug Bosco (D-Sebastopol): 124 * Tony Coelho (D-Merced) : 316 Charles Hatcher (D-Ga.): 819 Charles A. Hayes (D-Ill.): 716 Carl C. Perkins (D-Ky.): 514 Joseph D. Early (D-Mass.): 140 Robert W. Davis (R-Mich.): 878 John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.): 273 William L. Clay (D-Mo.): 328 Robert J. Mrazek (D-N.Y.): 920 Edolphus (Ed) Towns (D-N.Y.): 408 Stephen J. Solarz (D-N.Y.): 743 Edward F. Feighan (D-Ohio): 397 Mary Rose Oakar (D-Ohio): 213 Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.): 386 Bill Goodling (R-Pa.): 430 * Doug Walgren (D-Pa.): 858 Harold E. Ford (D-Tenn.): 388 Ronald D. Coleman (D-Tex.): 673

* Former House member

** Has switched to GOP since writing checks
