
PLATFORM : Nothing Sillier?

<i> This is Secretaries Week and MARILYN J. MORRIS, a legal secretary in Los Angeles, suggests a different sort of special day for bosses. She told The Times:</i>

I did a survey on Bosses Day, and concluded that your basic Monday through Friday, year-in and year-out is Bosses Day. Quelle surprise!

Consequently, I am launching a drive for that one day of the year, or perhaps even a whole week, when we may ignore, argue with, put down and just generally wreak havoc and mayhem upon our bosses and maybe the office in toto. Perhaps a little graffiti on the walls. Or how about presenting the boss with a slightly cracked ant farm? And there’s always those good old leaking glasses. Nothing fancy, something simple that just lets them know how we feel on Their Own Special Day of the Year.

Sadly, after this swell time, it will be back to the norm, back to treating them like the gods they know themselves to be.

As for us, I guess it could be said that one week, or day, out of the year is better than nothing. Yeah, sure, might as well say it, there’s nothing much sillier that one can say about Our Special Week.


Ah, Secretaries Week/Day. Can summer be far behind?
