
President Bush’s Campaign

Smart Americans will vote George Bush out of the presidency just as they will not reelect many incumbent congressmen in the November elections because of their poor past performance records.

In the last presidential election, I did not have any good performance record for George Bush and simply voted for him on the basis of his vast experiences in government and because I liked what I read from his lips. Yes, he ran one of the dirtiest campaigns but I got his well-articulated messages. What a disappointment he is now! Now I feel bad that I was taken for a ride by Bush’s rhetorical double talk. But I refuse to be blinded for a second time!

Bush’s record in the White House is indeed very poor. Like most Americans I was deceived in the following areas: 1) I pay more taxes; 2) corruption in the White House and around the President is extremely high (Phillips’ column); 3) Saddam Hussein still has a devastating hold on Iraq, and 4) Bush is too confrontational with the Congress and uses his veto power to derail any constructive plan which would heal the country’s ailing economy.


Now, we voters have records; let’s vote on the basis of the record and not on the basis of dirty politics, which will certainly raise its ugly head in the next few months.


