
SANTA PAULA : Party Planned for City’s 90th Birthday

Santa Paula, the second-oldest city in Ventura County, will celebrate its 90th birthday Wednesday with a gala open house at City Hall, complete with cake and music from a jazz band.

The City Council on Monday voted to close Ventura Street along the block facing City Hall for the celebration.

The party will mark the city’s incorporation date of April 22, 1902. The event will be held from noon to 9 p.m. Festival-goers may tour city offices and the police station, and inspect firetrucks.


The Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly mixer at City Hall on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:30.

The council also approved the Cinco de Mayo Festival, scheduled for May 2 and 3 at La Casa del Mexicano, and the 25th annual Citrus Festival and parade, which will take place July 17-19.
