
VENTURA : Lincoln School to Hold Sale of Art by Teachers, Students

Ventura’s Lincoln Elementary School is holding an exhibit and sale of artwork by students and teachers tonight.

The events are the brainchild of Patricia Robinson, an accomplished artist who volunteers her time to teach art one hour a week to the students at Lincoln.

In addition to giving schoolchildren a way to display their work and to learn about staging art exhibits, the event serves as a moneymaker for the school’s art program. Robinson coaches students to hone their observation skills by drawing something different each week, such as a plant or a student model. She also exhibits and sells her own work in Ventura County, Los Angeles, France and her native England.


Usually it is the children’s work that is on display for the periodic exhibit and sale. This time, however, the artistry of some of the teachers will also be on display.

Robinson said she is in the midst of giving an art workshop for teachers so that they can teach students her approach to art.

The teachers, five from Lincoln and eight from other Ventura schools, also learn practical skills, including how to frame a picture.


The idea of instructing the teachers is her way of spreading the word of how she teaches art, said Robinson, whose granddaughters attended Lincoln.

The art show, from 6 to 8 p.m., will feature 230 works by children and another dozen or more by teachers. The works sell for $10 to $25. Half the profit goes to the artist, and the rest goes to the school’s art fund.
