
Doctor Knows Right Treatment

What a joy it was to open the View section and find a a front page article on our pediatrician, Dr. Maria Minon (“Rx for Hard Times,” April 5). I first met her in February, 1985, shortly before the birth of our adopted son. The pediatric group came highly recommended, and she took the time to answer my questions and to calm my fears of impending parenthood. She first saw Andrew when he was just 2 days old and she treated him with such love that I knew we had made the right choice in doctors. When our daughter, Wendy, joined our family in 1989, (Minon) saw us practically daily for a chronic condition that took months to clear up. While she piled us with special formulas and medication, she also called us at home to check on our well-being if we didn’t appear in the office. Dr. Minon gave us something that couldn’t be written on a prescription pad--warmth and compassion.

