
The Coward’s Way Out

I simply want to say, “Well done,” on (Dianne Klein’s column, April 14) concerning abortion and its place in conversation in our society. I heartily agree. I would love to sit out this fight, but I find, like you, that is simply not possible. Silence is preferable, but somehow cowardly.

This is an issue that is seen in black and white by extremists on both sides. In reality, it is clouded in darker hues of gray. For me, abortions represent the death of dreams. The death of our collective future. The abandonment of our heritage. When the past and the future are left out, there remains a sense of hopelessness, meaninglessness and despair. Our soul is left to fend for itself without an anchor. This may seem a lot to place on the act of an abortion, but, for me, it seems entirely appropriate. Perhaps this is some of the emotion that people feel as they draw their lines for battle. After all, life and death is not a passive issue.

