
ROAD WARRIORS: Today is Earth Day, but...

ROAD WARRIORS: Today is Earth Day, but some Orange County groups have been environmental watchdogs all year. About 97% of the 143 state highway miles in the county have been cleaned up since 1990 in the state’s Adopt-A-Highway program. . . . Civic groups “adopt” two-mile stretches to keep clean of litter and graffiti. State coordinator Ralph Carhart says the county has done so well that “most of what is left over is not suitable for groups to go out and clean themselves because of high-volume traffic.”


Groups have adopted 36% of California highways for cleanup since the program began in 1989.

Percentage adopted, by Caltrans district: Orange: 97% Los Angeles, Ventura: 86% Western Riverside, San Bernardino: 32% Imperial, San Diego, Eastern Riverside: 24% Source: Caltrans
