
‘Family Values’ and Republicans

Rosen stated that Republican policies have ruined family life and that the Democrats can save it. That is not true. Both of these parties have done a lot of harm to the family and neither can help.

The family is important because of the individual, one-on-one attention the person can have. It is the only way known to teach children that the individual is sovereign and that everyone has rights regardless of gender, race or age. It is imperative that children learn to question authority, think independently, make sound decisions and take responsibility for themselves. These are real family values.

Republicans say they are for “family values,” but I think their values are bogus. What I think they are calling for is a perpetuation of Establishment policies. These “values” include the headship of the father/husband, a lack of sovereign rights for children, and unquestioning obedience to civil authority. These evils perpetuate the idea that might makes right and that it is OK for the big guy to use force to control the little guy. The U.S. is actively involved in the international relations of faraway countries and even in their internal affairs. Here at home, government is involved in every aspect of life.


Democratic solutions are no better. If it were not for all the taxes I’m paying, I’d be able to support a spouse and a kid or two. It would be modest but adequate. This does not even consider the taxes paid by people in the businesses I patronize--taxes they must pass on to me or go broke. And, it does not consider the onerous regulations we are crippled by. All the social programs, however important, and the administration of them have to be paid for, and that money is taken out of the economy.

The answer is to get government out of the way. Drastic tax reductions and a lifting of economic regulations are critical to revive true family values. The only political party that really advocates family values is the Libertarian Party.


Los Angeles
