
Turmoil in Peru

Fujimori’s decision was not a surprising move. Peru faces two tremendous problems: an economy that has never been good and has worsened in the past 20 years and the activities of the Shining Path.

Through corruption, intimidation, fear, sabotage, assassination and brutal force, the Shining Path has managed to control a great number of the population and government officials. Their income comes mostly from the cocaine sales and fields they control. They are probably more affluent than the government itself.

Friendly governments, including ours, are notorious for saying one thing and doing another. Neither country will care to admit it but the military in Peru would not take a step without consulting “you know who.”


The largest morale boost the guerrillas have received is the news that financial aid will be suspended. Now the Shining Path knows that the government of Peru lacks the resources to put up a fight. All they have to do is march in and take over.

Is it not ironic? Now the “democratic” choice is which “dictatorship” to accept.


Hacienda Heights
