
The Rap on Cloth Diapers

Rachael Flug, the oh-so-altruistic promoter of cloth diapers, wants us to be politically and environmentally correct and shun disposables (Valley View, April 23).

Nowhere in Cynthia Craft’s fluffy piece on Flug’s product was any mention to be found of the environmental impact of cloth diapers. What about the tons of organic waste that enter the environment when cloth diapers are washed? What about the environmental impact of the detergents used to wash them? And how politically correct is using gallons and gallons of potable water to wash cloth diapers?

Human beings have babies and babies need diapers. The only 100% politically and environmentally correct solution to the diaper disposal “problem” would be to outlaw babies.


In fact, when you think about it, the ultimate environmental citizen is a corpse.


* Don’t contribute to the population problem.

* Don’t use plastic (or cloth) diapers.

* Don’t use energy.

* Don’t drive cars.

* Don’t throw away anything.

* Don’t exhale CO2 (a notorious greenhouse gas).

* Don’t waste water.

Fertilize the soil.

Yes, the ideal citizen for the new “Green” Total State is an ex -citizen.


