
UNDERSTANDING THE RIOTS PART 1 : THE PATH TO FURY : Bibliography for ‘The Path to Fury’

The following sources were used in putting together this special section. California Assn. of Realtors

California Dept. of Finance

California Employment Development Dept.

Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles

Economic Development Corp. of Los Angeles County

Los Angeles Police Department

Los Angeles City Planning Dept.

Los Angeles Times History Center

Southern Calif. Assn. of Governments

Characteristics of the South and East Los Angeles Areas, U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1965.

Los Angeles: A Chronological & Documentary History, 1542-1976, ed. Robert Mayer, 1978.

Report of the Independent Commission on the Los Angeles Police Department, chaired by Warren Christopher, 1991.

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, chaired by Otto Kerner, 1965.

20th Century Los Angeles: Power, Promotion and Social Conflict, ed. Norman M. Klein and Martin J. Schiesl, 1990.


Violence in the City: An End or a Beginning?, report by the Governor’s Commission on the Los Angeles Riots, chaired by John A. McCone, 1965.

World Almanac
