
NEWPORT BEACH : Change in School Board Elections OKd

The Board of Supervisors this week gave final approval to a change in school board elections at the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, allowing balloting for the Board of Education to be held at the same time as statewide elections.

Now, school board elections will be held in even-numbered years, along with the general elections. The next round of school board elections will be in 1994, instead of 1993. The change is expected to save the cash-strapped district about $40,000 each election.

Supporters hope the change will also generate a bigger voter turnout. The move will give school board members an extra year on their current terms.


The county oversees elections and under state regulations needs to approve any change in the school board election schedules. County supervisors unanimously approved the change. The school board approved the election change late last month.
